I have written at length about the changing nature of later life and, more recently, about the prospects for ‘millennials’ – those facing 70 years of working life before retiring in their late 80s. But what about those stuck in the middle? The working generation sandwiched between elderly relatives who seem to be living forever and children not leaving home until their 30s. The biggest challenge facing this generation are their own unrealistic expectations.
Many expect the retirement income of their ‘baby boomer’ parents coupled with the increased life expectancy of their stay at home children. Their reality could be very different. Without decisive action now they are on track for the retirement income of their children and the reduced life expectancy of their grandparents.
So what has changed? The gold plated pension schemes of their parents that help to fund the extended ‘bucket lists’ have been replaced with something far less generous. While the NHS continues to help those who abuse their bodies with smoking or eating and drinking too much, it cannot undo the self inflicted damage and is no substitute for avoiding the problems in the first place.
Its not too late to change but, without action this ‘in between’ generation will find themselves with neither the funds nor the good health to enjoy later life – and that doesn’t seem fair!