Understanding Living Longer

Tag Archives: health

The ebb and flow of health care….

I recently commented to a friend that, having reach the milestone age of 65, and without asking, I find myself knee deep in medical tests and checks. I am happy to comply but, having kept my distance from the doctor’s surgery for the last three decades, I now feel that I should qualify for a […]

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Embracing change – current trends….

Surrounded by intelligent women I have little choice but to become fully aware of the latest trends. Palm oil and Ultra-processed foods are the current focus but, luckily for me, we do not simply ‘jumping on the band-wagon’ of either ‘good’ or ‘bad’, but trying to understand the science behind the hype. Pam oil was […]

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Success – at what cost?

A key theme emerging from EML’s research into living longer is the importance, over time, of maintaining a balance across different aspects of life. At different times we inevitably get dragged in one direction or another – and that’s fine; the important thing is to restore the balance when the opportunity presents. Many people get […]

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What are your plans for life?

Traditionally, once you stop working, you enter ‘old age’ – and from there, there is no return! All that is changing and these days ‘old age’ subdividing into ‘old age’ (the point your first career stops) and ‘frail old age’ (when ‘whatever is going to get you’ starts to emerge). Old age is the world’s […]

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All stop…

Visiting an elderly relative at their care home I was greeted by staff at the door – fully masked and gloved – saying that their outbreak of Covid was getting worse. I decided to go in, say hello and just carry out the essential work I had come to do. Having donned mask and gloves […]

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A picture tells….

If the old saying is that ‘a picture can tell 1000 words’ – just imagine what a collage can do! One of my long term clients found that with each successive year he is embracing new experiences while continuing with the things he loves. Looking to illustrate the huge variety of these many activities I […]

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Make it a good one…

I’ve been watching Dan Buettner’s series on how to live to 100 (the secrets of the Blue Zone). He focus is on the importance of creating the right environment and he shows how originally this happened by chance, but through careful nurturing similar results can be achieved anywhere. He also shows how easy it to […]

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Early warning systems

In researching the impact of global longevity EML identified six key areas of life that together, differentiated those who were successful in negotiating later life from those who were less so. There was no silver bullet, no ‘one thing’ that will make all the difference, instead those who were seen by their peers as ‘doing […]

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Understanding Health

Optimising health is one of EML’s six corner stones for making the most of living longer. Having identified the importance of knowing your personal health data, I started taking reading roughly twice a month and have been doing so for the last three years. Recently colleagues helped analyse the findings and I was surprised by […]

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Normal for you

When it comes to applying the research EML conducts, I like to be the guinea pig. When recommending anything to others there is little more powerful than saying you’ve done it yourself. Multiple visits to A&E with elderly relatives highlighted the need to know, and ideally be able to demonstrate, what was ‘normal’. Looking beyond […]

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