Understanding Living Longer

Category Archives: Embracing Change

Have nothing in your houses….

Every so often we all reach a point in life when ‘stuff has to go’. If you are a sailor with limited space to store your kit then this point is reached quite frequently. If you live in a mansion with acres of attic space, then it might take several generations – but you will […]

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A glimpse at the future…

While cleaning my electric razor a clip that holds the blades in place flicked off and disappeared down the plughole. I wasn’t too worried as I was due to replace the shaving head shortly. It was only when I found that new heads were no longer available that I started to fret. With replacement head […]

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Keep going….

Waiting for the start of this week’s Pilates class I chatted to my neighbour about how, in ten years of classes, I’d never progressed from the intermediate class. I added that while I would like to say ‘I loved the class’, but the truth is that it hurts. I added that the reason I keep […]

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The ebb and flow of health care….

I recently commented to a friend that, having reach the milestone age of 65, and without asking, I find myself knee deep in medical tests and checks. I am happy to comply but, having kept my distance from the doctor’s surgery for the last three decades, I now feel that I should qualify for a […]

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Embracing change

In a bid to embrace change (or is it accept the inevitable!) I am in the process of giving up my landlines, bidding farewell to the two strands of copper that first arrived in the house almost 100 years ago and replacing them with a single glass tube – not much thicker than a human […]

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Valuing possessions

TV today has a raft of programmes all built around the same theme – all of us have too many possessions and these shows encourage you to let go of at least 50% of what you own with the promise that you’ll enjoy the remaining 50% far more. Recently I found myself with an opportunity […]

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Embracing change – current trends….

Surrounded by intelligent women I have little choice but to become fully aware of the latest trends. Palm oil and Ultra-processed foods are the current focus but, luckily for me, we do not simply ‘jumping on the band-wagon’ of either ‘good’ or ‘bad’, but trying to understand the science behind the hype. Pam oil was […]

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Success – at what cost?

A key theme emerging from EML’s research into living longer is the importance, over time, of maintaining a balance across different aspects of life. At different times we inevitably get dragged in one direction or another – and that’s fine; the important thing is to restore the balance when the opportunity presents. Many people get […]

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Suit yourself – revolution or evolution….

The day after one client ‘retired’ he took all his business suits to the charity shop. For him they were a uniform and this marked a clear ‘transition’ – the end of his ‘first career’ and a first step forward to what comes next. Another took over a decade to discard the last business suit […]

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What are your plans for life?

Traditionally, once you stop working, you enter ‘old age’ – and from there, there is no return! All that is changing and these days ‘old age’ subdividing into ‘old age’ (the point your first career stops) and ‘frail old age’ (when ‘whatever is going to get you’ starts to emerge). Old age is the world’s […]

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