In chatting with people interested in our research into living longer its quite easy to spot those with closed minds. Simply look out for the moment they drop into a well-rehearsed speech. The words just flow, as if reciting a poem from memory, and the pace picks up. It took a while to realise that I was simply a bystander as they were busy convincing themselves that this was a subject they had already ‘sorted’. Every speech is different but there are common themes.
– I’ll address this when I have finished sorting out….
– I’ve already done everything I can do….
– I still might need everything I have
– I intend to start in the next financial year

The old expression ‘None so blind as those who don’t wish to see’ comes to mind – and this is something the Chancellor is depending on to sort out the country’s post pandemic finances. As people grow older they simply loose the ability to take the strategic decisions necessary for effective estate planning. It is far easier to say that these are matters for someone else to address when I’m gone.

Successful family dynasties require a change of mindset that is passed down through the generations. Do this and with modicum of success you can change your families prospects for generations to come