A client asked me to review a document.
In building a portfolio of activities for his second career his love of driving classic cars had led to a role driving wedding cars. What wasn’t anticipate was the very special relationship he built with each bride.
Picking them up from home signalled the end of months of preparation while ‘the show’ didn’t really start until their arrival at the church. During the journey every emotion imaginable was visible in the rear-view mirror. Being a natural ‘people person’ he would chat and soon learned that he could make a real difference to the whole day by giving the bride the reassurance and confidence they sought so that when they arrived at the church they emerged calm, confident, reassured and ready to shine.
The documents he shared were the few notes he had made for his own records but all I saw was an extraordinary insight into a very special moment in every bride’s wedding day. Would others be interested – I am sure it will be a best seller!