Understanding Living Longer

Tag Archives: tech

Embracing change

In a bid to embrace change (or is it accept the inevitable!) I am in the process of giving up my landlines, bidding farewell to the two strands of copper that first arrived in the house almost 100 years ago and replacing them with a single glass tube – not much thicker than a human […]

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Maintaining relationships

One simple tool for maintaining relationships is your address book. In addition to contact information I try to include a birthday (if known) or better a date of birth (the latter containing a year – useful for those special birthdays). Birthdays show in my calendar and, for a few quid annually, I subscribe to an […]

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Taking the long view…

One client recently visited by someone from the strategic planning team who was trying to look beyond the many immediate challenges and determine where they should be in 20 – 30 years. I was delighted, 25 years ago the inspirational leader of the financial services organisation I worked with did the same thing and the […]

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Embracing change…

A couple of months ago a good friend was enjoying a days shooting on a farm in middle England, close to nowhere in particular. Without notice, and to the surprise of those around him, he keeled over and was clearly in a bad way. An ambulance was called – but where exactly were they? One […]

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Six months ago I invested in a ‘fitness tracker’ as I was taking part in a team event to keep us fit during lockdown – the team had to walk the length of the country by counting their daily steps. Initially I was ‘sold’, here was a device that could track movement, count steps, monitor […]

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Embracing change

Did you see the recent press report saying that young UK people (aged 16 – 24) are spending an average of 7 hours a day on their smart phones.  The article included the normal backlash from so called ‘behavioural experts’ saying how bad this is for those involved and that their world is going down […]

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