EML helps people to make the most of living longer.

Today’s octogenarians are pioneers. There have always been a few people who lived to a great age, but never before have so many lived for so long. All round the world people today are living longer than their parents and grandparents, yet for many not all these extra years are good years.

By working with today’s octogenarians EML have identified certain life skills, often learnt much earlier in life, that enable some to thrive and make the most of their extra years. These include:

Fit of life – keeping active and maintaining health as part of a daily routine

Managing finances – establishing and maintaining a long term balance between income, expenditure and savings

Pruning possessions – particularly difficult for octogenarians who experienced austerity after the war. They tend to hold on to everything ‘just in case’ but extra years mean extra opportunity to accumulate things you don’t need or want

Stay in touch – increased mobility leads to loss of community and increasing isolation. Maintaining relationships takes time and effort, but close friends are a vital support network through life

Keeping active – for much of life your main activity is determined by your job but when that stops it is important to replace it with a new ‘’raison d’etre’ – but make sure it’s something you love.

Life long learning – keeping an open mind to innovations and new trends and developments is essential. Today’s 20 something can expect to retire between the age of 80 – 90. Throughout their working lives there will be several periods of re-training and re-invention

Learning these skills early and practicing them regularly will not guarantee that you will live longer but should ensure that, however long you live, you will be well equipped to make the most of life.

Written by John Small

John’s business career started in the technology sector working with ICL and Fujitsu before moving to International Finance where organisational change and development has been a constant theme.