Understanding Living Longer

Tag Archives: Self-storage

Valuing possessions

TV today has a raft of programmes all built around the same theme – all of us have too many possessions and these shows encourage you to let go of at least 50% of what you own with the promise that you’ll enjoy the remaining 50% far more. Recently I found myself with an opportunity […]

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The acid test…

When reviewing your possessions – try this. Ask your close family what they would do with ‘your stuff’ if you were hit by the proverbial bus? Most likely their response will fall into one of a number of categories: – Items of value to be sold (house, car etc) – Items of personal value but […]

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The final ‘downsize’

A life skill for many people over 50 is being able, both physically and emotionally, to contain their ‘stuff’. Wartime austerity nurtured a caution against parting with anything ‘just in case’ which then extended into and beyond the ‘throwaway’ society of the 60s and 70s. Is there anyone over 70 who doesn’t have at least […]

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The tip run…

Working out what to do with unwanted possessions is a challenge that many of us have been forced to confront over the last six weeks – the process can be painful – but you’ll like the end results

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With the world population growing 10 fold and and life expectancy up 50% in the last 50 years inevitably we need to start thinking about the possessions we accumulate and how we dispose of them. Here are some facts and figures to get you thinking.

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Letting go

There is a growing television audience for real life documentaries about extreme hoarding and a good reason for the mounting interest.  Coping with an ever-growing pile of ‘stuff’ is a challenge most of us face and these programmes show us we are not alone.  They are also a timely warning of how life would be […]

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