Understanding Living Longer

Tag Archives: pensions


While I am a huge Apple fan I am increasingly concerned with a fundamental flaw in their products – the description. It started with the i-Phone. This product was always far more than just a phone but 10 years on ‘making a call’ doesn’t even feature in the top 10 uses for the device. Then […]

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The Elephant in the Room

I was recently a guest at a STEMX award ceremony (they are the folks who encourage young people into careers in science and technology). It was an inspiring venue with the awards being presented by local dignitaries, resplendent in their chains of office. The messages too were upbeat and encouraging – you’re wanted, you’re needed […]

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Moving the Goal-Posts

Did you know that over the last few years many of the goal-posts for later life have changed? With global life expectancy increasing 50% in just the last 50 years reaching 60 is no longer ‘the beginning of the end’ instead it is life’s ‘half time interlude’. With this change many of the life goals […]

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Optimising Health

One of the life skills areas identified through focus group discussions with today’s octogenarians was the importance of keeping as healthy as possible for as long as possible. You would be exceptional if you made it through 80 years without any health issues, all of our focus groups had at least some concerns. Those considered […]

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Striking a balance

The central message emerging from EML’s research is that those who are successful at making the most of their extra years are the ones who are able to strike a balance – the balance between six aspects of life identified by focus groups as being essential – maintaining relationships, valuing possessions, keeping active, optimising health, […]

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‘We’re all living longer – so what?’

This was quite a common question when EML first started talking about the global phenomenon of longevity. In the western world the increase started earlier but has been slower while in Asia life expectancy has nearly doubled in less than a lifetime. Globally human life expectancy has increased 50% in the last 50 years. What […]

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A whole new stage…..

When I talk to people about living longer I can see their thought processes develop as the real implications begin to dawn. Initially the subject is dismissed as ‘something they already know’. There are constant media reports covering many of the common implications – growing demands on the health service, an increase in state pension age […]

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Understanding Living Longer

It is often a case of mutual amazement. When people ask me about EML and I tell them expertise is in understanding the many implications of living longer they look amazed – ‘everyone knows that – its all over the news’ – how can you build a business around that? We then start to talk […]

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Spread the word….

This week the UK media cannot decide if the problems of the NHS are caused by our aging population or by the obesity epidemic hitting our young. We at EML have the answer – it’s both! These are simply two aspects of a challenge faced by us all – rapidly increasing life expectancy. In the […]

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Trustee mettle testing….

The global impact of living longer affects almost everything we do.  One role that has already changed significantly and will continue to change is that of pension scheme trustee. A decade ago pension scheme trustees were guardians of the funds with a fiduciary responsibility to ensure that schemes assets were sufficient to meet liabilities. The […]

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