Understanding Living Longer

Tag Archives: Global Population

Taxing the dead….

When the chancellor found a hole in his balance sheet he took the easy option and turned to taxing the dead. Inheritance tax thresholds have already been frozen for over a decade – progressively dragging more people into the net and increasing the tax raised. However Covid needed a faster solution so the chancellor looked […]

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Playing the odds

While the focus of EML’s research is understanding living longer it is important to say that, at an individual level, life remains a lottery and there are no guarantees. Most of the change we describe reflect a change of expectation. Be it pension funds ‘expecting’ their members to be around longer, the Health Service expecting […]

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The spice of life…

At EML we research the impact of everyone living longer. The changes identified are are every bit as profound as the digital revolution we are living through and just as far reaching. While the lottery of life remains – and not everyone will experience those extra years – the impact on them is just as […]

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Every now and then something really hits home. A friend who runs an oil company mentioned, in passing, that while his company’s total reserves would keep the world going for just eight hours it will take the earth 40000 years to replace them. This struck home. We are worried about carbon emissions and climate change […]

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With the world population growing 10 fold and and life expectancy up 50% in the last 50 years inevitably we need to start thinking about the possessions we accumulate and how we dispose of them. Here are some facts and figures to get you thinking.

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