Understanding Living Longer

Author Archives: John Small

The lesson learnt by billionaires…

My first coaching client took a little time get the EML ‘message’, but, since then it is incorporated in everything he does. He sees the time between now and the moment he is ‘no longer around’ as a countdown clock and looks carefully at everything he is does and how he is spending his money. […]

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Focus and drive.

During our coaching programme I will ask the client what they want from various aspects of life. Many find the exercise challenging, not because they don’t know, but because their list is too long – it is an impossible ‘wish-list’. Capturing their thoughts without interrupting the ‘flow’ has made me a fast scribbler! I ask […]

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A suitable incentive….

Not everyone referred to EML is ready to face the reality of their changing prospects for later life. While fees are sometimes cited as being the issue, they are nothing more than a convenient excuse along with, ‘I’m too young’, ‘I’m too busy’ etc etc. The real message is ‘I don’t want to acknowledge my […]

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Give yourself a little bounce….!

Give yourself a little bounce….! When the family was younger we had a trampoline – complete with a safety net that made it look like an old fashioned gas tower. For many years it gave immense enjoyment, for bouncing on, camping under and even as a playground for the cats. As our young children grew […]

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Maintaining relationships

One simple tool for maintaining relationships is your address book. In addition to contact information I try to include a birthday (if known) or better a date of birth (the latter containing a year – useful for those special birthdays). Birthdays show in my calendar and, for a few quid annually, I subscribe to an […]

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Early warning systems

In researching the impact of global longevity EML identified six key areas of life that together, differentiated those who were successful in negotiating later life from those who were less so. There was no silver bullet, no ‘one thing’ that will make all the difference, instead those who were seen by their peers as ‘doing […]

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All change

This morning I woke up to a world full of promise. For the last three years I have held public office – a demanding role that kept me busy 24/7 – and I loved it! Yesterday I handed the reigns to my successor, sent out my final emails and closed a chapter. Today new adventures […]

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Understanding Health

Optimising health is one of EML’s six corner stones for making the most of living longer. Having identified the importance of knowing your personal health data, I started taking reading roughly twice a month and have been doing so for the last three years. Recently colleagues helped analyse the findings and I was surprised by […]

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